
Posted by admin on August 24, 2024 Audio | Blog | Parody Spots | Tags: , , , , , | No comments

Imagine, if you will. It’s a first date. Before the server delivers the main entrée, the conversation has turned to politics.

She exclaims, “I could never date someone who would vote to take away my right to choose!”

He screams back, “How did you not see the multiple ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ flags in the back of my F150?”

She storms off. He sits alone wishing he could find someone just like him.

Avoid the drama, and make dating great again when you sign up for 45’s new dating app – Trumphumpers.

Also check out Where Libs Find Love.

Now you can find someone who loves Fox News just as much as you do. A companion that loves wearing red hats nearly as much as they hate trans kids.

Whether you’re going to a rally together or banning books from your local library, you could find your match at Trumphumpers.