You’re a Person (Frozen Embryo)

Posted by admin on February 23, 2024 Audio | Blog | Original Songs | Videos | No comments

Microscopic, six-day old frozen embryos are now considered children in Alabama. The state’s supreme court wrote, “unborn children are ‘children’…without exception based on developmental stage, physical location, or any other ancillary characteristics.” 

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An embryo frozen at six days old contains 100 – 300 cells. Your living, breathing human-self contains trillions.

As a result, several Alabama fertility clinics paused their IVF (in vitro fertilisation) programs over legal concerns for its patients and doctors.

So, what does the embryo think? Now, obviously, it doesn’t have a brain, but if it did – would it burst into song? Yes. Yes, I think it would

From my upcoming off-off-off Broadway musical, “Embryo: A Musical Journey,” enjoy the soon-to-be-nominated song “You’re a Person (Frozen Embryo).”