Want a Lap Dance?

Posted by admin on May 19, 2015 Audio | Blog | Parody Songs | Tags: , , , , | No comments

Lap Dance

I don’t know if there is a strip club bible out there. If there is, one of the commandments must read as follows: Thou shalt not fall in love with the stripper. Listen, kid, when that ATM card is outta money, she’s out the door.

This does not make the young lady, in question, a bad person. She, after all, is providing a service. The bumping and/or grinding on your lap comes with a cost. She does not love you. She loves your wallet.

Thus, the story that I imagine is told quite often at Spearmint Rhino or Treasures or the O.G. or Cheetahs, of a man who mistakes three minutes of lap dance affection as love. Listen and enjoy my parody of Walk the Moon’s “Shut Up and Dance.”