Turkey Time

Posted by admin on November 11, 2020 Audio | Blog | Videos | Tags: , , , , , , , , , | No comments

Let me tell you something, you wanna know who the red headed stepchild of the holiday season is? It’s Thanksgiving. Now, I know, we all love Thanksgiving. It’s about family. It’s about eating but it doesn’t get nearly the appreciation or attention of the two holidays that bookend it, does it?

Halloween, by the way, not even a “real” holiday, you have people spending money on costumes and candy. You have many that decorate their house inside and out. They’ll spend money on lights and skeletons and electric fog machines.

Christmas, my God, the expense and trouble people go to for gifts and trees, elaborate home decorations and fake snow. In department stores the decorations go straight from Halloween to Christmas. There’s no in between. No respect for Thanksgiving.

So, here, I will make proper space to applaud and appreciate Thanksgiving. While you may not decorate with Thanksgiving lights or a Tom the Turkey inflatable, at least here, we acknowledge what the holiday means, kinda.

Butter Brawl – It ain’t a family holiday dinner without a holiday family dinner fight. A parody of Miley’s, “Wrecking Ball.”

A Kid on Thanksgiving – What does an ordinary kid think of Turkey Day?

A Message from Thanksgiving – Thanksgiving is fed up with not getting it’s due respect and wants to be heard.

Oh, Tom Turkey – The Christmas tree is one of the most popular symbols of the holiday. For Thanksgiving, we have Tom the Turkey. Here’s a song about him.

Our First Thanksgiving – A Spence original that details all the amazing thing that happens when you do it for the first time.

Turkey Party U.S.A. – The only Thanksgiving music is that “Greensleeves” song and the one by Adam Sandler. Not anymore, an entire album dedicated to Thanksgiving.

A Message from Tom Turkey – I mean you’re going to devour him and all his friends and family. Don’t you think he has the right to some famous last words?

Stuff That Turkey – Another Spence original that on the surface seems like a wonderful holiday memory shared between grandmother and grandson. But it’s not. Trust me, it is not.

Gravy – No Thanksgiving dinner worth a damn doesn’t have a boat full o’ brown turkey gravy. Here’s a message from the National Gravy Council.

Mashed Potato Style – Yes, this may be the stupidest parody song I have ever done. But, in its defense, it’s about mashed potatoes. Remember “Gangnam Style”? You’ll wish you had.