The Kardashian Khaos Klosing Klearance

Posted by admin on September 11, 2014 Audio | Blog | Parody Spots | Tags: , , , , | No comments

Keeping Up with the Kardashians
I know. I know. Kardashian Khaos, a glorious, glowing beacon of reality TV marketing and merchandise will be closing its doors in October. The retail outlet survived nearly three years inside the Mirage Hotel Casino.

A lot of stores, when they close, want to blow out their merchandise and make as much money in the process. I would imagine that Kardashian Khaos would do the same thing, right? If I’m Kim, Khloe, Kourtney, Kris or even Kanye, I would kapitalize on all of this by holding the Kardashian Khaos Klosing Klearance. Kut prices on everything…kalenders, kandles, kosmetics…(You get the idea?)