Song of the Week: Ten Best Parodies of 2020

Posted by admin on December 27, 2020 Blog | Parody Songs | Spence's Song of the Week | Videos | No comments

We all know 2020 has been terrible. But if you write parody songs, like I do, you really can’t complain too much. With an unforeseen pandemic combined with presidential election year politics, it was fertile ground my friends, fertile ground.

I present to you my favorite parody Songs of the Week for 2020.

#10 – “Trumpa Lumpa” Friday, October 2, 2020
You kind of have to do something when the President of the United States pretty much denies that COVID-19 exists and then actually catches it. Here’s an “Oompa Loompa” parody.

#9 – “The Chris Evans National Anthem” Friday, September 13, 2020
When a super stud like Chris Evans shows his Captain America muscle on Instagram, all you can do is stop and salute. With apologies to our forefathers, it’s a parody of “The Star-Spangled Banner.”

#8 – “Don’t Be a Dick” Friday, July 9, 2020
After a string of videos of non-masking dullards making life miserable for ordinary customer service folk, I figured someone needed to stand up with some worthwhile advice. To The Beatles’ “Let It Be.”

#7 – “Lazy” Friday, April 2, 2020
Remember the early days of the pandemic? When we had an actual lockdown. We’re all staying indoors, not showering, laying around watching “Tiger King”? A parody of “Easy” by Lionel Richie

#6 – “Let It Go, Trump” Friday, November 14, 2020
A solid ten days had passed since the election. It was pretty clear, to everyone but the president and his sycophants, that Joe Biden had won. (At this writing, he still had not conceded.) Using “Let It Go” from Disney’s “Frozen,” some advice for #45.

#5 – “Mask Guy” Friday, July 17, 2020
What truly is amazing, even now, after 330,000+ COVID related deaths, people in America are still fighting over wearing a mask. “Bad Guy” by Billie Eilish makes the point for me.

#4 – “Trump & Biden” Friday, August 28, 2020
It wasn’t quite a landslide and it really wasn’t all that close but we didn’t know that as we headed toward election day. Here’s the story of our two heavyweight contenders for president using John Cougar Mellencamp’s “Jack & Diane.”

#3 – “Sweatpants” Friday, May 1, 2020
Pandemic and politics ruling my best parody songs of 2020. Back to the early stages of COVID when we were Zooming for work and Zooming to see friends and wearing nothing but sweatpants around the house. This is a parody of David Bowie’s “Let’s Dance.”

#2 – “WAP (Whack Ass Pumpkin)” Friday, October 16, 2020
Damn, “WAP” was dirty, right? Cardi B. and Megan Thee Stallion made ya feel it. This version, not so much. A Halloween and much cleaner remix.

#1 – “Mike Pence’s Fly Friday, October 19, 2020
Man, it didn’t take long for the interwebs to lose its collective minds when a fly landed on Vice President Mike Pence’s head, and stuck around for a good two minutes in his one and only vice presidential debate with Senator Kamala Harris. You can’t blame me for creating a remix of Sugar Ray’s iconic “Fly” for the occasion.

Check out even more of my Song of the Week here.