Song of the Week: Let It Go, Trump

Posted by admin on November 14, 2020 Blog | Parody Songs | Spence's Song of the Week | Videos | No comments

I think it needed to be said. You’ve lost, buddy. The electoral college tally is now 306-232. That’s the same number that swept you to victory in 2016. Simply put, let it go, Trump. It’s this week’s .

If you’re ready to move on from politics to Thanksgiving, check out Turkey Day Comedy

To be clear, I think it’s perfectly appropriate to ask for recounts where applicable. In Georgia, for instance, if the voting difference is within .5%, it’s required. Double check, it’s alright by me. I’m even okay with litigation. If the Trump campaign wants to mount legal challenges, go right ahead. It has proven to be pointless and incredibly unlikely to change a thing but if that’s what you need to soothe your fragile ego, knock yourself out.

Where I will stand and fight you is on the notion that the election is in anyway rigged or fraudulent. Just because you lost doesn’t mean it was stolen. And for a president to peddle lies and conspiracies is a disgusting attempt to undermine democracy to stay in power.

Many have said this was the safest election the country has ever had. Federal and state election officials, hell, even Trump’s own Department of Homeland Security has claimed no widespread voter fraud. What’s more entertaining is the cases that have come up, were Trump supporters.

Here’s a song that is as much advice as it is a demand. You’re a loser, Donnie. You’re a one-termer. It’s over. My Song of the Week for Friday, November 13, 2020, “Let It Go, Trump.”