Song of the Week: It’s the End of the Year (2020)

Posted by admin on December 27, 2020 Blog | Parody Songs | Spence's Song of the Week | Videos | No comments

“That’s great, it starts with an outbreak.” Yes, that’s how my Song of the Week, “It’s the End of the Year (2020)” begins. I know you’ve heard the story. You lived it. We’re friends. We can be honest with one another. 2020 has been a complete and total shit show.

I’ve done this for a few years, I take “It’s the End of the World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine)” and give it the yearly recap treatment. This year, being such a monumental disaster, I decided, for the first time, to put the song to video. An act of love. An act of defiance and an act of documentation. Seriously, when you see the video, you’re going to go, “Aw, shit! I forgot some of the bad ass crap that happened.”

See my best Spence’s Songs of the Week Parodies for 2020.

Of course, the big stuff, some of which seem to never come to an end, is still going on. We Americans apparently love COVID-19 because we just keep on spreadin’ it like Skippy peanut butter. We knew the year would be a challenge simply because of a contentions presidential election. (Yes, still going on, it would seem.)

We had social unrest, fueled by the murder of George Floyd. We had, what seemed like a ton of celebrity deaths – Kobe, Chadwick Boseman, Alex Trebek and Eddie Van Halen.. So many others too. Sadly, that was just scratching the surface of what a terrible year 2020 has been. Just my opinion but the worst year on record for this kid.

It wasn’t all bad though. So, it’s all here. The stories, the events and people that made 2020 what it is, put to music. A sing-songy rap of the entire year in about two and a half minutes. No, it ain’t “Hamilton” and it certainly isn’t Kendrick Lamar.” Between you and I, it’s a pretty poor Michael Stipe, if I can be honest. Nonetheless, a year in review.

With apologies to REM, it’s the recap 2020 deserves, “It’s the End of the Year (2020).”