Sherwin-Williams Accused of Grooming
Posted by admin on June 16, 2023 Blog | Prep | Tags: comedy, rainbows, satire | No comments
A paint industry giant may have painted themselves into a corner with its alleged support of the LGBTQ+ community.
A Sherwin-Williams ad depicting every color of the rainbow, with its’ oft-used slogan, “Cover the World,” has sparked outrage from some right-wing provocateurs.
“Cover the world,” exclaimed a Newsmax contributor, “Yeah, if you mean cover the world in gayness!”
“It’s a fact,” he added, “Sherwin-Williams is a pusher. A God-fearing midwestern kid asks her mom to paint a rainbow in her room. Sherwin-Williams is more than happy to provide the paint. What happens next? That kid turns gay.”
Some observers took a more conspiratorial tone. “I’m sure some woke, corporate executive colluded with science or the enviornment or something to invent rainbows for the express purpose of selling more paint…and…grooming our children,” said one podcaster.
With nearly 4,000 locations nationwide, many evangelicals are pushing for a boycott. “Jesus is white. Jesus wears white. One color, white, that’s it,” said an Alabama preacher. “Egghsell white, period. If it’s good enough for the interior of millions of apartments across this great land of ours, it should be good enough for Sherwin-Williams.”
Only one presidential candidate spoke out regarding the controversy. “In addition to eliminating the Department of Education and the IRS, I plan to abolish the National Weather Service. I, like most Americans, are tired of them forcing rainbows down our throats,” said Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.
When reached for comment, a Sherwin-Williams spokesperson said, “We sell paint. Every color of paint.”