Peter Cottonmouth
Posted by admin on April 18, 2014 Audio | Blog | Parody Songs | Tags: 4/20, bunny, Easter, marijuana, Parody, Peter Cottontail | No comments
Yes, this year, Easter Sunday falls on April 20th. “Big Deal,” you say? You do know that April 20th is 4/20, right? The code for the smoking of the weed, hello?
Allegedly, back in the 70’s kids at San Rafael High School would meet in front of a statue of Louis Pasteur at 4:20, hence the term.
There will not be another Easter-4/20 until 2025. So, as one stoned friend said, “Imma get high as f*** and go trick or treat!” In honor of such a blessed event, I’ve taken the Easter holiday classic “Peter Cottontail” and re-worked it. Please enjoy “Peter Cottonmouth.”
Have a 4/20 sing-a-long:
Here comes Peter Cottonmouth
Rising from his smoke-filled couch
Sticky, icky, icky, icky, pizza’s on its’ way
A bunny-shaped bong made of glass
A basket full of Easter grass
Things to make 4-20 really great
He’s best buds with that bunny
There will be no Easter hunt
Unless it’s for some munchies
or if someone hides a blunt
There goes Peter Cottonmouth
On his couch, he has passed out
Sticky, icky, icky, icky, Easter’s best this way.