October is Over

Posted by admin on November 1, 2023 Audio | Blog | Original Songs | Tags: , , , , | No comments

We can argue about what is going on in the world. We can discuss why we feel the way we do about things, but facts is facts. And, factually speaking, October is over.

Let’s be honest, it hasn’t been that great.

Hamas attacked Israel. The ongoing bloodshed may lead the world into yet another possible global conflict.

See the video for “A Song about September”

Then, unexpectedly, Matthew Perry , star of the hit sitcom Friends passed away at the age of 54.

It wasn’t all shit news, I guess. <checks lyrics to song> You know what? The entire month was mostly shit unless you’re a Texas Rangers or Arizona Diamondbacks fan. So, that means it was a good month for 17 people.

A local server sets world record.

I guess I’ve pretty much talked you out of listening to my tribute to the month of October. What if I told you it’s kinda catchy? Either way, check out my end-of-month recap titled “October’s Over.”