No Buffets

Posted by admin on May 21, 2020 Blog | Parody Songs | Spence's Song of the Week | Videos | No comments

It’s like a piece of Americana has died. The buffet may . In Las Vegas, many casino resorts have announced that, when they re-open, buffets will not come back.

You see, the classic, all you can eat style buffet was invented in Las Vegas. Herb McDonald at the, long since departed, El Rancho came up with idea around 1956. Don’t ask me how I know this, but the “Buckaroo Buffet” cost one dollar.

We all get it, right? No matter, how runny the scrambled eggs were, a low price for as much carved prime rib and crab legs as you can eat was, obviously, unsanitary.

How many filthy animals put their hand on that spoon for the mashed potatoes? A hundred? A thousand? Gross.

In honor of our dear fallen friend, the buffet, here is a parody of The Beatles “Yesterday.” My Song of the Week for Friday, May 22, 2020