Song of the Week: Mike Pence’s Fly

Posted by admin on October 7, 2020 Audio | Blog | Parody Songs | Spence's Song of the Week | Videos | No comments

As almost to say, “Man, you’re full of shit,” a fly landed on Vice President Mike Pence’s head during the one and only vice presidential debate of 2020. Pence showed know sign that he was even aware that an insect was climbing around in his sculpted, grey mane.

We’re not sure even sure if Democratic vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris noticed the six legged critter from her lectern, twelve feet away either

The debate was much more typical than the presidential free-for-all last week. Both Harris and Pence, while trading barbs, were, nonetheless, considerably more respectful of one another. Because of that lack of fireworks, the fly took center stage.

Before the fly made its appearance, the only commentary online seemed to be about Pence’s left eye. At times, it looked infected as if he had pink eye. That would mean he and the president are contagious, albeit with different maladies.

Check out all of Spence’s Songs of the Week.

With apologies to the band Sugar Ray here’s a remix of their 1997 hit “Fly,” it’s “Mike Pence’s Fly.”