Meet HPV

Posted by admin on April 1, 2014 Audio | Blog | Original Songs | Tags: , , , , | No comments

HPV for Spencetology

April is STD Awareness Month. You should be aware of sexually transmitted diseases, the symptoms, preventative measures and making sure you get tested.

However, sometimes the delivery method of these “awareness” campaigns falls a little short. They should be entertaining, right? I’m reminded of the old adage you attract more STDs with honey than vinegar. That’s not verbatim…but you get the point.

Now, you can learn about the Human Papillomavirus, or HPV, through song.

Yes, you can sing along. Why not?

April is S-T-D Awareness Month. Hi. I’m the Human Papillomavirus but you can call me H-P-V.

I’m the most common of the S-T-Ds
If you’re sexually active you’ll probably meet me
I can be in your system with little flare
Or I can pop up with some warts down there

And you can avoid me by wearing a condom
And you can avoid me by not whorin’ around son

I’m the H-P-V
Michael Douglas had me
I’m cancer causing
but there is a vaccine
I’m the H-P-V

Paid for by me, H-P-V and the Centers for Disease Control.


Hear “I Don’t Wanna Kiss Your Thing”