I’m Glad You’re Here
Posted by admin on October 9, 2017 Blog | Original Songs | Videos | No commentsThe Song of the Week is typically a dopey parody about burritos or vaping or Donald Trump…ya know senseless and moronic. In the wake of the October 1st mass shooting in Vegas that took the lives of 58 country music concert goers, it was time to be serious.
I was inspired, not only by the uniformed first responders but also the everyday people that stepped up to help their fellow citizens. You had valets that turned into medics and people with pick up trucks that turned into ambulance drivers. We take cops, EMTs and even our own neighbors for granted, at times. But how happy are we when they are there when we need them.
How about he people we see everyday; our family, friends and co-workers. Monday morning, following the shooting, upon seeing my friends the phrase was repeated, “I’m Glad You’re Here.”