Idea Sheet
Posted by admin on February 3, 2021 Prep | Tags: Christmas tree, doctor, restaurants, scrubs, Super Bowl Party, Valentine's Day | No commentsValentine’s Day Tree – We talked about taking down our lovely, 10-foot Sam’s Club plastic tree, the weekend after Christmas. Instead, the ladies in the house decided to repurpose the fake Tannenbaum for the next holiday – Valentines. I must admit, they did a helluva good job, ordering synthetic roses, heart shaped lights, fabric hearts and themed tinsel. The talk is that the tree will stay up year round with each month having a different theme. On the positive side, I’m not responsible for the decorations and I don’t have to take the tree down and put it in the attic. Is this something you would do? March is up next. (???) National Breast Implant Awareness Month, is what I’m pitching.

Is this something you would consider or is this way too Pinteresty?
Yay or Nay – Is anyone doing a Zoom Super Bowl Party? The idea doesn’t sit with me. Come on…can you really watch the big game with your buddies, all in different houses, drinking and shoveling guac and watch the game together? Have we reached a point in this pandemic that most people are doing small gatherings anyway so your SB Party is just more intimate than it was in the past?
Over Crowded Restaurant – In Nevada, COVID dining restrictions limit restaurants to 25% of capacity. Additionally, you can only have four people per table. If you get up to use the restroom, you mask up. I don’t know how typical this is for the rest of the country. I know north of us in Utah, they don’t give two fugs. When we arrived at the restaurant it was comfortably sparse. By the time we left, the restaurant was packed. Most places skip a table or use some component to allow for social distancing. Anyway, there’s no way they were at 25% of capacity. I’m not against the business owner, I’m not. But, I’d also like this COVID shit to end so we can all back to a normal fuggin’ life. I suppose you could argue that if I was that concerned about it, I shouldn’t be out at a restaurant to begin with.
The angle for the bit would be a person that would call and report the restaurant to the COVID police. Should I have, at the very least, made my concerns known to restaurant management? Or is it, mind you’re business.
I have been in a couple of places where I just felt uncomfortable with the number of people in a closed space. I, typically, remove myself from those situations.
How Much Hotter Is Someone in Scrubs? – Attach a percentage to it. When you see a member of the opposite sex in scrubs, how much hotter are they? Now, if you discover that they are not a doctor…but a vet or a nurse does the percentage rate go down?
What uniform does it for you? Lady cop, forget about it. The idea that she could tie me up and throw me in the back of her squad car just does it for me. You? Cops and firefighters, I imagine would top the list. Maybe not a uniform but a style that goes with an occupation. Maybe there’s someone with a reflective orange vest fetish?