Idea Sheet 2/11/2020

Posted by admin on February 10, 2020 Prep | Tags: , , , , , , | No comments

Getting Back at the Ex – Sure the flowers and candies of Valentines Day are sweet and adorable but, revenge on an ex is far more delicious.

  • Years ago, we employed a wood chipper. A local landscaper company posted up in our parking lot. We asked listeners to bring down their souvenirs from love’s past and we would have them destroyed for them. You haven’t lived until you’ve seen a giant teddy bear destroyed by a wood chipper. The winner of the bit brought a giant wedding portrait. It was Bieber poster sized…like 36×24.
  • Ax your Ex. We called Axe Monkeys here in Vegas. It’s one of those ax throwing joints. You bring down a picture of your ex, attach it to the bullseye and throw axes at it.
  • Another a long the same lines is to get your local equipment rental company to lend you an asphalt roller, place the items from the ex in front of it and crush them.
  • I just saw this: You can name a cockroach at a zoo in Texas and have it fed to one of the animals.
  • I do love revenge stories. He did you wrong so tell us how you got him back. I like the idea of “Revenge Day Wednesday.” A different story of revenge once a week.

Grandmas are the Best – This video of a granny who wants to give her grandson gas money and is not pleased that we refuses to accept it is the best.
  • My grandma never cursed but she would say “Ah, fiddlesticks!” She also referred to her farts as “bombers.” The bombers typically came out when she got up out of her La-Z-boy recliner and then she would giggle.
  • If your grandma is still alive have her come on play “It Used to Cost a Nickel.Have a list of items and see if she can tell you what it cost back then.
  • I would love to find a retirement home musician who can play the piano and sing current songs…and play “Retirement Community Karaoke.” It might be fun to take an actual karaoke machine in and have them sing along to lyrics and melody they don’t know. Tape it and produce it up.

Fudging Your Resume – Legal documents have been released that show Olivia Jade Gianulli, daughter of Lori Loughlin, fudged her rowing resume big time. It said her skills were “awareness, organization, direction, and steering.” It even is written that she won a gold medal in 2014 and 2016 and won silver in 2015 at the San Diego Crew Classic. It’s crazy.

  • Do you have any inaccuracies on your resume? Did you get caught? If you were on the hiring level did you ever uncover someone that had a resume that was lie after lie?
  • What is your biggest lie…or your go to? It’s hard these days because it seems everything is searchable.

The Face Tattoo – The son of Cindy Crawford and Randy Gerber got the word “misunderstood” tattooed under his right eye. His name is Presley and he defended the tattoo on Insta by saying, “You don’t know how I feel. You’re not in my head.” Obviously, he’s a good looking a kid…a model, if I’m correct. It’s not his first tattoo…I saw tatts on his right hand, forearm and his neck.

  • Is the face tattoo ever the way to go? Or is it okay for some people. Ya know, if you’re an artist or a wealthy kid, you can express yourself in ways that would be frowned upon in most segments of society. But you can get away with it because of who you are.
  • While society is changing and you can’t judge a book by its cover, depending on what kind of business I’m running, I’m not hiring the dude with neck and face tattoos. For me, it signifies somebody making bad choices. Yes?
  • Are you one of those types that still sees tattoos and goes…”ugh, they’re trouble.” Do you judge someone with a facial tattoo differently?