Idea Sheet 1/16/2020
Posted by admin on January 16, 2020 Prep | Tags: age difference, Charlize Theron, Christmas tree, fetishes, moving, nose, Valentine's Day | No commentsWhat I Found While Moving – My husband and I are moving across country. (Sorry, 7 Hills, we’re making our way back to Minnesota.) We’ve been in Vegas for six years now, so it’s only natural that we have accumulated a fair amount of shit. We’ve systematically gone through boxes, closets and dressers to Marie Kondo ourselves a bit before the move. While he was at work the other day, I go through a box that has my husband’s name on it in the garage and what do I find, not one, not three but NINE HUGE adult toys…I think the scientific word would be “dildos,” and vibrators and so on and so forth. And they are all massive. So ya know, I have one. ONE, tiny little bullet. Before he got home, I laid all nine of them out on the ottoman in the living room…and waited for him to arrive. He came in through the garage and said, “WTF?!?!?” I responded, “Yeah, WTF?!?!” He claimed that they were his ex’s and must have ended up in a box that he hasn’t gone through in years. (I should hope not.) This would have to have been 8 years ago and the two vibrators, the batteries still worked. (???)
- Is my husband telling the truth? Or is he cheating? Or is he just some sort of closet freak and does, who knows what to himself while I’m not home?
- What did you unsuspectingly find during the move? For that matter, during “spring cleaning” or making room in the garage or closet?
- If, by chance, hubby was a freak and had his hiding place uncovered, where is your secret hiding place? Where do you keep “the goods” so that know one will know?
Nose Fetish – Did you see on Kimmel, Charlize Theron discloses she dated a guy with a nose fetish? Mid makeout he whispered, “Make out with my nose.” She gave it a peck…and he’s like NO make out with it. She said it was really good up to that point and she didn’t want to ruin it.
- Keeping it as clean as humanly possible…tell us the weirdest fetish you have come across? (It might be fun to record calls and randomly beep out words for comedic purposes.)
- What ruined your perfect makeout? He was hot, sexy, everything was heading in the right direction until ________________.
- Of everything on your face, mouth, nose, eyes, ears, neck, eyebrows, cheeks, chin…what is the least desirable feature to make out with?
My 50 Year Old Boss Is Dating a 27 Year Old – (Woman 30’s) “I ran into my boss at a downtown bar and he was with his girlfriend of the past three months. She’s 27…a good ten years younger than I am. I have a solid, fun relationship with him. We flip each other shit on the regular so when miss young thing went to the potty, I asked him, “You know you’re dating your daughter, basically?” His response was so male! Ugh. He said, ‘If you’re a single, successful man that is older, it is your right to date as young as you want.’ I said, ‘You know there’s a chance she’s only after one thing.’ He smiled and responded, ‘That makes two of us.’ I know it’s none of my business, who he dates but it makes me think a bit less of him. I don’t know why? But I just can’t see myself dating a man in his 20’s. “
- Biggest age difference you’ve experienced? I’ve known a few women, in their 20’s who have taken the “Old Town Road” and dated guys in their 40’s and 50’s.
- If you dated someone considerably younger, did it make you feel younger but, other times, made you feel old af?
- Who’s in a relationship right now with a huge age difference. Tell us more and the largest range wins!
Oh, Valentines Tree – You don’t want to take down the Christmas tree. Okay. It’s mid-January, but okay. I guess some people are just going to redecorate and turn the tree into a Valentines tree. I am pretty much a Christmas is over…take down the tree, pull down the lights…all of it by January 1st. Who is in support of this nonsense?