Idea Sheet 08/25/20
Posted by admin on August 25, 2020 Prep | Tags: gender roles, Greatest achievement, Jerry Falwell Jr., Las Vegas, no hitter, porn, relationships, shopping, Spence | No commentsEmasculated – I’ve been without a gig for nearly eight months now. I’m not complaining. I’m working…that is…working toward getting a job. Some irons in the fire and whatnot. When you’re wife works from home and does pretty well it can feel fairly emasculating. Now, I’m not one that gives two shits about whether my wife makes more money than I do. I applaud it. More the better. But because she is working I take care of other tasks…like making meals, getting the groceries, making home repairs that somehow end up only remaining fixed for a short period before I am forced to temporarily fix them again. The other day my 7 y/o nephew is running around the house screaming and yelling. I yell, “Knock it off.” He responds that Unc always yells. I reply, “It’s my job to yell.” This kid looks at me and says, “No, it’s your job to get the groceries.” Son of a… His mom looked at me like I might get mad…but it was pretty funny. It’s true. I do get the groceries. I’m a damn good shopper. I suppose this one would be for men…is there anything your SO does that you feel emasculates you. I suppose this could devolve into some “traditional roles” debate. Ya know, if I couldn’t open a jar of jelly and my wife could…I’d be like GD! Right?
No Hitter – In baseball, there’s not much better. Lucas Giolito tossed one last night for the Chicago White Sox. He’s 26 and there’s the possibility, while he may have other great moments in his life, this may be the peak. This may be his greatest achievement. Be honest, thus far, what is your greatest accomplishment. No, easy road on this…no, the birth of my children or marrying my husband. Nah, other than that. When you’re sitting in the home at 86, you say to yourself, “Damn, remember when I did _______.” I once made six figures. I thought I was BMOC too. I may never get there again (not on the government’s dime anyway.) I know it’s not cool to brag about money…but in looking back…other than that the time I scored three touchdowns against our rivals Placer High School…two on back-to-back punt returns. That was pretty dope
The Pool Boy – The scenario sounds straight out of a low grade porn. (As if there was “high-grade” porn.) The pool boy, later business partner, meets up with a wealthy and powerful couple. He has sex with the wife, while her minister husband watches from across the room. It’s almost to cliche to be true. Now, forget the deviant cuck nature of this relationship…and let’s focus on you naughties that will admit they’ve hooked up with someone in the service industry. Ex-girlfriend, back in the day, used to work front desk at an expensive hotel. She admitted to, occasionally, meeting a guest in his room. We know of an alarm installation guy…obviously good looking dude, who spoke of many encounters with his clients. Everybody knows about the pizza guy. Is it really just cliche porn fantasies…or have you had sex with the cabana boy?
When You Saw The Porn – Story out of here in Vegas, a mom is saying her son was exposed to porn during a distance learning PE class. Apparently, the teacher was away from the webcam and I will assume another student put some inappropriate content up on the screen. When were you exposed to naughty bits when you least expected it. I was in a car on The Strip and the limo we passed had its windows down and you could see the full act on the small TVs…bachelor party, I suspect. Have you caught someone doing it. Like, a friend caught her son looking at it on his iPad. Have you caught someone at work?