GoT Recap – April 27th
Posted by admin on April 28, 2014 Audio | Blog | Parody Songs | | No comments
Spoiler Alert: Episode four of season four of HBO’s epic fantasy tale, Game of Thrones features more freed slaves, an admission of murder (sort of), more Stark family trouble, and a visit to White Walkers day care.
Not that much of a spoiler, I guess. I mean, you still have to watch the bestest, most amazing, TV show ever created (Biased) to really understand what’s going on. Below, you can listen to a musical recap of Sunday’s episode titled, “Oathkeeper.” Check it, fool.
Here be the lyrics:
Daenerys is kicking butt and freeing slaves.
While the king-to-be has become Margaery’s new fave
Littlefinger was behind killing punk-ass Joffrey
Yet another baby given to the White Walkers as an offering
And Cersei’s is still a bitch as she is prone
and that’s what happened last night on Game of Thrones