
Posted by admin on December 30, 2019 Blog | Videos | Tags: , , , , , , , | No comments

Hi, it’s Spence. You might know me as the “Nevada Ooh Na Na” guy, the dude from “Spence’s Challenge” or perhaps from my many drunken, shirtless appearances when “Live PD” visited Nye County. Oh, also as part of 98.5 KLUC’s morning show for the last billion years.

I moved to Vegas in February of ’98 to join the staff of 98.5 KLUC, expecting to spend a year or so and move on. That year turned into five and then ten and now some 21+ years later, I’m ready to move on. (Thankfully, I only moved here when I was six, sooo, ya know, there’s lots of wear left on these tires.) It has been my distinct pleasure to be on the air in Vegas all these years, watching the city grow, its up and downs, its triumphs and challenges and to get to know so many great people and foster friendships that will last the rest of my life.. That really is the hidden gem of Las Vegas, its people.

I really have been blessed to be able to work in radio…it’s the only thing I ever wanted to do…no kidding. Growing up, we lived in a two-story townhouse in San Jose, California that featured central heat and air, the kind with the little metal vents in the floor. I figured out that if, while upstairs, I yelled through the vent, my mom could hear me. So, I started doing radio shows…broadcasting from my room. Moms is downstairs trying to watch “Sound of Music” and I’m talking like Dr. Don Rose and playing music off one of those Radio Shack “Realistic” cassette decks…through the air vents.

True story: There was a contest on KFRC in San Francisco when I was a kid. Simply, write a poem about the Niners-Cowboys playoff game, call the station and read it. I did. They recorded me and aired it soon after. You should have seen me jump across the living room when I heard myself on the air. I was 11. I knew then, right then, that radio was the only thing I wanted to do. (I won a 49ers NFC Championship pennant, by the way. When it arrived a few weeks later…I, again, jumped across the living room.) What’s funny, is, in writing parody songs like my Songs of the Week, I’ve been, basically, writing poems and putting them on the air…essentially, doing the exact same thing I did at 11 years old. (You’d think I’d be better at it.)

Thank you so much for listening to 98.5 KLUC and the various morning shows I’ve been a part of all these years. I hope I was able to put a smile on your face, maybe even get a laugh or two.

At this point, I’m not sure where I’ll end up but I’ll be around. You can subscribe to my YouTube channel…social media is all found under Spencetology as well. Maybe check out my website,, if you have a chance.

Since my mom force fed me “The Sound of Music” every year during my childhood, I think it is best to end with this:

“So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, goodbye Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye Goodbye!”