F*** You, 2020, I’m Done

Posted by admin on June 4, 2020 Audio | Blog | Original Songs | Spence's Song of the Week | Videos | No comments

Man, 2020 has been a shit show. We’re not even halfway done and we’ve had more death and destruction than a Quentin Tarantino movie.

On a personal note, ya know, I lost my job to start out the year. Frankly, the world has gone to hell since. With middle fingers proudly raised high and directed at murderous viruses and murderous cops and even murder hornets, I present my Song of the Week.

I’ve included two versions. If you do not desire to hear the f-word repeatedly, then play the edit. But if, like me, you have complete disdain and little respect for 2020, sing the unedited version out loud.

For June 5, 2020, it’s “F*** You, 2020, I’m Done.”