Free4All: The Non-Essential Personnel Edition

Posted by admin on March 13, 2020 Blog | Videos | Tags: , , , , , , , , , | No comments

As many companies across America have done, Entercom, the parent company of Mix 94.1, has forbidden any non-essential personnel from its studios on S. Tenaya. Shawn Tempesta, afternoon host on the station and creator of the Facebook Live show, “Free4All” typically has guests in, on his broadcast.

Not to be denied, Shawn had everyone connect in via streaming and we did the show. Jennifer Florendo (@Just_JFlo), Sam Nunley (@SamNunley) and I from our individual homes. I believe it was the first time my home studio in Southie was on the internet. (Except for my Chatroulette “phase.”)

For an hour every weekday, Shawn writes, produces, engineers, directs and hosts his own hour long talk show. It really is pretty amazing. Here’s the show for Friday, March 13th.