Crazy Don’s Republican Motors

Posted by admin on January 3, 2021 Audio | Blog | Parody Spots | Videos | No comments

At Crazy Don’s Republican Motors you can get any new car, truck or SUV for only $11,780. That’s it! I think that’s as low as Crazy Don can go.

Uncle Joe’s Auto Emporium put them out of business. Now, until January 20th, take advantage of Crazy Don’s Going out of Business Sale.” They all gotta go! No offense to those that sell cars but Trump confidant, Stephen Miller kinda looks like a used car salesman. And after January 20th, it may be the only profession that will hire the soon-to-be former White House advisor.

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Everyone was in shock, Sunday, when they heard recorded phone audio of the president lying, begging and threatening Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger over his state’s election results.
I like the part where Trump “encouraged” Raffensperger to “find” 11,780 votes. How any of that is legal is beyond me.

I simply took some clips from the conversation and created an auto dealership commercial for Crazy Don’s Republican Motors. Recorded on Sunday, January 3, 2021.