60 Seconds with Mama June

Posted by admin on November 18, 2014 60 Seconds with Spence | Audio | Blog | Tags: , , , | No comments

60 Seconds with Spence edit
Dr. Phil got her first. I’ll give him that. Mama June, Honey Boo Boo’s mom if you don’t know already, is mired in a bit of a controversy that has ended her reality TV show and painted her as a candidate for world’s worst mom.

Ya see, she’s allegedly dating a convicted child molester. What’s worse is that the child molester in question was convicted of molesting her daughter. Finally, a dose of reality and no it won’t be on the reality TV show. Weird.

Anyway, Dr. Phil, while covering that angle of the story, completely whiffed on another aspect of Mama June’s story. Fortunately, I was there to pick up the pieces and go in depth with the southern fried reality star.